March is a month of new beginnings; from the beginning of spring to Daylight Savings, it's a month bursting with change as Mother Nature begins to bloom and shows off her colors. As we enter a new spring season, it's the perfect time to celebrate every single occasion.
I was hoping the Eagles had won the Super Bowl. This would have given all the fans another chance to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day March 17, by wearing their green jerseys, drinking green beer, or drinking a green Mc Donald’s milkshake. It was not to be. As a former coach, you also need a little luck in the big games. I did not see a lot of luck in the game for the Eagles. What I did see was two teams left standing in the NFL, fighting for bragging rights and one team was the Philadelphia Eagles. With the game tied 35 all and approximately three minutes left in the game, it was a nail biter to the bitter end. We are so proud of our Eagles and the season they gave us. We know they will be back in the big game again.
The dealers of the Emporium for the month of March will fill the front show case with items for your Saint Patrick’s Day celebration and miniatures. Shoppers can purchase decorations for their tables and miniatures for the doll house or items for the train platform. Our dealers will also fill the courtyard with items for your garden or patio.
The Emporium is a 14,000 square foot building, filled with antiques from the 1800’s to the collectibles of today. Located at 424 High St., Burlington City, N. J., the Emporium is a short, half-hour trip from Philadelphia and a one hour thirty minute trip from New York City. Open six days a week from 11am-5pm, Tuesday thru Sunday (Thursday and Friday until 7pm) closed on Monday. Phone 609-747-8333 for directions, and visit our web site for picture www. .
“Please join us through the month of March, or on March 17th for a little shopping.”
As a teenager, my mother, an avid gardener, taught me to appreciate the beauty of annual and perennial flowers in our garden. She would always say, “April showers bring May flowers” and “spring is just around the corner.” Perhaps everyone heard these rhymes at some point, generally having been taught it at an early age by parents or teachers. It’s a popular thing to say and hear around spring time, but one thing you might not know is where the rhyme originated from. It reaches back to the mid-15th century, although early use of “April showers bring May flowers” perhaps existed even earlier. In 1557, a man by the name of Thomas Tusser, compiled a collection of writings he called “A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry.” In the April husbandry section, he wrote: Sweet April Showers , Do spring May flowers. As you can see, the rhyme was originally a short poem.
The rhyme, “spring is just around the corner” starts with the first day of spring being, March 20th and ends June 20th. Traditionally, January and February are the worst two months of the winter season. People in March, start to look for the beginning of spring and all the beautiful flowers May will bring. In the past few years, the seasons seem to be changing. Spring is getting shorter and we are jumping right into the summer months with the hot weather of June.
The Emporium dealers will decorate the front showcase for the month of April with Jardinieres, Vases and gardening tools for all your plants and flowers. Our dealers have Roseville, McCoy, Weller, etc. and vases of all shapes and sizes for the flowers of spring, summer, and fall. Our Courtyard will be open soon with flowers and items for your patio and garden. The Emporium offers complimentary snacks to enhance your shopping experience. Open 6 days a week 11-5 , closed on Monday (open Thursday and Friday until 7pm), the Emporium is located at 424 High St., Burlington City, N.J. 08016 or phone 609-747-8333 for directions.
“Happy Antiquing and Spring is finally here”
March is a month of new beginnings; from the beginning of spring, to Daylight Savings, it's a month bursting with change as Mother Nature begins to bloom and show off her colors after a season of chilling out (literally). As we enter a new season, it's the perfect time to celebrate every single occasion.
Saint Patrick’s Day, in March, was made an official Christian feast day in the early 17th century, celebrating the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Today, celebrations generally involve public parades, festivals, and the wearing of green attire and shamrocks. According to legend, Saint Patrick used the three-leaved shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity, converting the pagan Irish to Christianity during the 5th-century.
The dealers of the Emporium will fill the front show case with items for your Saint Patrick’s Day celebration and the beginning of spring. Shoppers can purchase decorations for their tables, gardening items, Roseville, McCoy, Weller, and Hull pottery. Our courtyard will also be open for your shopping.
The Emporium is a 14,000 square foot building, filled with antiques from the 1800’s to the collectibles of today. Located at 424 High St., Burlington City, N. J.; the Emporium is a short, half-hour trip from Philadelphia and a one hour thirty minute trip from New York City. Open six days a week from 11am-5pm, Tuesday to Sunday (Thursday and Friday until 7pm) closed on Monday. Phone 609-747-8333.
The month of February, the shortest month of the year with 28 days. Except every four years there is a leap day added. An extra day was added to the calendar more than two millennia ago, when the scientific advisers to Roman emperor Julius Caesar spotted that the years were not properly aligning with the seasons. So in 45 BC, Caesar decreed there would be an extra day every four years to compensate. Leap year is a way to adjust the calendar due to it takes the earth 365.24 days to rotate around the sun. So every four years we add an extra day to our calendar to keep the time and alignment of the seasons. Our next leap year is in 2024.
The month of February is also American Heart month, African-American History month, Groundhog day, Ash Wednesday, Mardi Gras, Presidents’ Day and the famous Valentine’s Day. Approximately 1 billion Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas. Valentine greetings can be traced back to the Middle Ages. During the middle of the 18th century it was common for friends and lovers to exchange small tokens of affection or hand written notes. By 1900 printed cards began to replace written letters due to improvement in printing technology and the cheaper postage rates.
In honor of Valentine's Day the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium, for the month of February will continue the store- wide 20% off sale for items over $20. ( 20% off with cash or check, 15% off with credit card ) exceptions for the sale include, jewelry, coins, and items marked firm or final sale. The Emporium display case will be filled with early valentines, candy dishes, vases, ( for the roses ) and items relating to valentines. For all you romantics, the Emporium offers many items for his man cave and a large quantity of jewelry to add to her collection. The Emporium offers complimentary snacks to enhance your shopping experience. Open 6 days a week 11-5 , closed on Monday (opened Thursday and Friday until 7pm), the Emporium is located at 424 High St., Burlington City, N.J. 08016 or phone 609-747-8333 for directions.
“Happy Antiquing and have a fantastic Valentine's Day.”
When the calendar turns to November one holiday comes to mind, Thanksgiving. Sometimes I feel, Thanksgiving gets lost between the Halloween and Christmas celebrations. As a national holiday, it is a day of giving thanks for all your blessings from the preceding year. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving with family, friends, football, one fantastic meal, and even shopping. I cherish the time spent with family on Thanksgiving. Taking time out of our busy lives, while reconnecting with love ones and friends. The best time of the day is usually the turkey dinner. In some households the turkey has been replaced with Italian dishes, fish dishes and even vegetarian dishes. It does not matter what the main course is, it is all about the family and friends present. After the large meal, the belt buckles are loosened, your feet are propped up and the football marathon begins.
All you hear on the news, is the amount of cargo ships off the coast of California and New York waiting to be unloaded. Since Co-vid, production of items were put on hold last year, and now goods are back in production, there is a shortage of drivers and longshoreman to unload the thousands of containers waiting for transportation all over America. The News programs are stating, merchandise will be hard to find in stores this Christmas. The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium in Burlington City, New Jersey, is a 15,000 thousand square foot building filled with antiques and collectibles, and has great unusual and unique gifts for Christmas. The Emporium’s merchandise includes, jewelry, pottery, glassware, furniture, oil paintings, prints, watercolors, man cave items, lamps, toys, etc., one never knows what you will find at the Emporium. Burlington City also has three other antique shops within walking distance to the Emporium. On Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, the Emporium will give a complementary poinsettias to the first fifty customers purchasing items totaling more than $25. Tickets for a Black Friday Raffle, filled with donations provided by the Emporium dealers will go on sale, November 26th., with the drawing November 30th., (tickets cost $1. each or 10 tickets for $5. ). Call us for more information 609-747-8333. Help small business by shopping with them on the first weekend of the Christmas season!
“Happy Antiquing and stay safe!”
Halloween collectibles are highly sought after by many. The Emporium display case for the month of October (until November 15th) will be filled with those collectibles; pumpkins, paper cut-outs, postcards, noisemakers, and other collectibles to add to your Halloween display. Also the Emporium courtyard will be filled with fall mums of all colors and sizes, all at a very affordable price. Each week the Emporium dealers add cement statues, patio sets, and unusual items to enhance your garden and patio. The courtyard is also decorated for Halloween, with lights, pumpkins, spiders, bats, and a few scary objects.
As the snow keeps falling this winter, the Emporium dealers are looking forward to spring. In March, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day; while Passover and Easter are in April. All the dealers at the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium are filling their cases and booths with rabbits, chicks, leprechauns and green tableware for your St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.
The Emporium display case located by the front door will be devoted to carpenter tools for the month of April. Customers may purchase planes of all kinds; single planes, double planes and moulding planes. During the 1800’s, carpenters would have their name stamped into the wood of their tool to identify the tool if misplaced. Other types of tools on display for purchase will include chisels, draw knifes, saws, drills, measuring tools, plum-bobs, etc.. With the invention of the circular saw in the late 1700’s, more wood became available for the construction of houses and furniture. Furniture from this time period made by Master Carpenters can be worth in the six figures today.
The Emporium is located at 424 High Street, Burlington City, New Jersey, 08016. Due to Coved-19 the Emporium is closed on Mondays but open the remainder of the week. Hours are 11am-5pm all days Tuesday-Sunday, with late hours until 7pm on Thursday and Friday. Customers are asked to wear a mask at all times. We will take your temperature upon entering and ask you to use provided hand sanitizer before shopping. The Emporium takes great pride in keeping our customers and dealers safe in these trying times.
“Be Safe, Wear Your Mask, Wash Your Hands and Practice Social Distancing! ”.
Also “Happy Antiquing! ”
Kitchen Utensils At The Emporium
Due to the Covid-19 virus Americans all over the Country are learning how to cook again. They are scouring the Internet for old and new recipes, while purchasing kitchen gadgets making their cooking experience easier. The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium will fill the front show case with items you would find in your kitchen.
Kitchen utensils can be traced back to the Stone Age, the Bronze Age (3600 BC), and started to develop during the 8th century, with the Roman Empire. The Romans popularized a variety of kitchen utensils, including meat hooks, meat mincers, spatulas, colanders/strainers and ladles, made of iron, as well as pots and kettles made of bronze and terracotta. During the middle ages popular kitchen utensils were developed, including frying pans, pepper mills, tongs, mallets and waffle irons. The medieval kitchen also had weighing scales, roasting forks, rolling pins and even cheese graters. During the 19th century, particularly in the United States, witnessed a dramatic expansion in the number of kitchen utensils available on the market, such as labor-savers like a potato peelers, jelly molds and salad spinners. Due to the reaction with acidic foods and copper, by the turn of the 20th century, kitchen utensils were commonly made of iron and steel, nickel, silver, tin, and aluminum.
Today there is a kitchen gadget for every aspect of cooking your favorite food dish or baking that delicious dessert. Kitchen gadgets have shortened your preparation and cooking time, resulting in more time to eat! Hand held kitchen utensils are widely collected, decorating kitchen walls, and some times the older utensils work better than the new ones.
The Emporium show case will display, kitchen items from the end of February through March. Located at 424 High Street, Burlington City, New Jersey, 08016, our hours are 11am-5pm Tuesday thru Sunday, Thursday and Friday until 7pm, and closed on Monday. If more information is needed please call 609-747-8333.
“ Be Safe, Wear Your Mask, Wash Your Hands and Practice Social Distancing! ”. Also “Bon appétit! ”
Lights! Camera! Action! Words that have echoed many movie and TV sound stage sets for the past 100 years. Today, if you have a phone, iPad or computer, you have a camera. There are cameras everywhere, due to the introduction of the personal computer and personal security systems. I even have a back-up camera on my car.
Approximately 200 years ago in the mid-1820s, Nicéphore Niepce first managed to fix an image that was captured with a camera, but it took at least eight hours, or even several days, for exposure resulting with very crude images. Niépce's associate, Louis Daguerre, went on to develop the daguerreotype process; the first publicly announced and commercially viable photographic process. The daguerreotype required only minutes of exposure in the camera, and produced a clear and finely detailed image. This process was introduced to the world in 1839, a date generally accepted as the birth year of practical photography.
Have you ever heard the expression, “a picture is worth a 1000 words”? It was so true during the mid-1800s when Mathew Brady developed his photographs of the American Civil War and when people could travel all over the world using the stereopticon cards with a viewer. One iconic photograph was taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt on V-J Day celebration in Times Square, New York City. It portrays a U.S. Navy sailor embracing and kissing a total stranger, a dental assistant, on August 14, 1945, ending World War II. One more iconic photograph has to be the placing of the American flag on the moon. Photographs capture moments of the past and present whiles alway telling a story, whether it would be some thing in nature, like a beautiful sunset or a memory captured in time forever.
The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium will display items for sale relating to photography from the middle of January to the end of February. Cameras, frames, photographs, books on photography, coffee table books of photographs, are some items that will be showcased. The Emporium is closed on Monday, but open 11am-5pm Tuesday thru Sunday, late hours Thursday and Friday until 7pm. Phone 609-747-8333 for directions or information.

In these troubling times, wear a mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands, and BE SAFE!
Just like everything else in 2020, Christmas will definitely be different this year. We haven’t celebrated Thanksgiving and I see Christmas lights going up everywhere. Everyone needs a little Christmas in their life, right now in these troubling times. A time of sharing, a time of giving , and a time with family may be in jeopardy of occurring this year.
Our dealers started decorating for Christmas right after Halloween, at the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium attempting to put a smile on your face and warm feeling in your heart. Each day we try to add more and more lights to our courtyard display. By Black Friday our courtyard will be completely decorated for Christmas.
This holiday season the Emporium display case will contain items for your train platform, ornaments and holiday decorations for your table. The Emporium display case is located next to the front door, and each month the theme will change. After Christmas the display case will hold photography items, cameras, photographs, frames and all items related to photography.
For the last few years the Emporium has collected toys for the Marine program “Toys for Tots.” Last year we filled two boxes for the Marine Corps. Help us reach that goal and even more toys this year. The box is located by the front door of the Emporium.
If you dislike fighting for a parking spot or the crowds at your local mall, the Emporium is the place to shop. We have ample parking on the street and a large lot next to the Emporium. Located at 424 High St. Burlington City, N.J. the Emporium is closed on Monday, and open Tuesday through Sunday from 11am to 5pm, ( Thur. and Fri. until 7pm ). Complimentary snack are always available to energize your shopping. From all the Emporium Dealers have a "MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Wear a mask, wash your hands, maintain social distancing, and be safe!
The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium sadly with a heavy heart announces the passing of two of their dealers. Bill Nickerson on January 9, 2020, passed away and two days later January 11, 2020, Sue Couch passed away. After many medical struggles, we are thankful they are both finally at peace.
Bill began his career as a Spanish foreign language teacher at Camden High School (New Jersey), that spanned 32 years. Besides teaching, Bill was passionate about antiques. He worked at the Haddonfield Antiques co-op for 17 years and after it closed in 2016, moved his business to the Emporium in Burlington City.Sue Couch was one of the Emporium’s original dealers which opened in 2001.
Sue worked for a pharmaceutical company for many years and enjoyed selling antiques on the weekends. Sue always gave extra time to the Emporium, meeting, greeting, and conversing with the customers. Her smile and laughter will be greatly missed each weekend. On February 17, 2020, the Emporium hosted a celebration of life of our two dealers. Thank you to everyone who came out, sent flowers, or prayers. “May God bless and keep both of you, you will always be in our hearts and thoughts forever.”
Happy! Happy! New Year! Traditionally January and February are the coldest months of the year in New Jersey. Last winter we lucked out, only a few storms, but it was cold. This year is a complete opposite of last year, temperatures are running five to ten degrees below the normal high. Thanksgiving was cold and December feels like January. For all the antique and collectible shoppers, who have cabin fever, the Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium for the month of January will have a store wide sale of 20% off items of $20 or more when customers pay with cash or check, 5% less with credit cards (most dealers are participating). Exceptions to the sale are items that have final sale tags or firm written on the price tag.
In 1998 the town wanted to enlarge the parking lot by tearing down the structure at 424 High Street. Scott Carlbon saved the building from the wrecking ball and created a home for 65 antique and collectible dealers selling items from the early 1800's to the collectibles of today. This building is a massive architectural wonder made of wood beams ten inches wide and three inches thick . According to the New Jersey state historical society the Emporium was built between 1917 to 1924. When customers see the building for the first time they always ask, " What was this building used for?" It was used to repair and service automobiles until the late 1970's and now a fantastic place for an antique store.
The Christmas courtyard light show will go dark in late January and if you missed Santa in December he stated he'll be back next year. The Emporium has returned to their regular hours of 11am-5pm seven days a week and late hours on Thursday until 7pm. If you suffer from cabin fever, the Emporium is the place to visit. Set your GPS to 424 High St. Burlington City, N.J. or phone 609-747-8333 for directions.
“Happy Antiquing!”
The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium’s fall Antique Show was a great success. The weather was beautiful, the parking lot was filled with dealers, and the customers came to buy. Inside the Emporium dealers assisted customers, while conversing about antiques and collectibles.
Giving evaluations about antiques, Auctioneer Chris Doerner and his wife Elaine of 21st. Century Antiques raised over $100. for the Burlington City High School Performing Arts program. The Emporium’s next Antique Show will take place in May, 2020, date to be determined.
The next big event at the Emporium is a wine and cheese night. Sip and Shop from 3pm - 7pm, with a live auction and on-line auction from 6pm - 8pm, Thursday, November 21. You are welcome to watch online via Facebook or visit the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium to Sip, Shop and Bid. Preview on-line starting November 15…CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK TO OUR FACEBOOK EVENT… and all day long at the Emporium on November 21, 2019. Approximately 100 items will go on the block to the highest bidder. Instructions for on-line bidding are available on the home page.
The Emporium display case will have Halloween collectibles until November 12th. On November 13th, the Emporium dealers will fill the display case with Christmas items to enhance your tree or table.
Hopefully you can attend our Sip, Shop, and Bid on November 21St. On Black Friday November 29, the court yard light show will be illuminated. Please visit and enjoy the holiday season at the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium. “Happy Antiquing!”
On Saturday October 5, (rain date October 6), Burlington City will host the 12th Annual K-9 Car Show. Beautiful automobiles will line the 200 and 300 blocks of High St. from 10am-3pm.
After the record-breaking temperatures of this past summer, October is finally here with cooler temperatures, changing colors of the trees, all the beautiful mums, Halloween, and the Emporium Antique Show. The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium will host their 11th semi-annual Antique Show and Garden Market, with Customer Appreciation Day on Sunday, October 13, from 10am to 5pm. Located at 424 High St. in Burlington City, N.J., the Emporium is home to 65 plus antiques dealers, selling antiques from the 1800’s to the collectibles of today.
On October 13th, the parking lot will be filled with dealers, while the inside dealers will answer questions about their inventory. The Emporium dealers will say thank you to all our loyal customers, with a table filled with complimentary snacks. The Emporium has a large number of fantastic bakers, to tantalize your taste buds with danish, cookies, brownies, pretzels, etc.. Also the courtyard will be filled with garden items and beautiful mums for your fall doorway or garden. The Emporium display case will be filled with Halloween collectibles old and new.
During the show, auctioneers Christopher and Elaine Doerner will offer evaluations of antiques with a $5. donation to the Performing Arts at Burlington City High School. The evaluations are limited to three items and will take place from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. The greeter at the front door of the Emporium will assign times for the evaluations. Shoppers can find Christopher on ID#1049 or phone 609-877-6843, if his services are needed.
The Emporium dealers have created a raffle basket filled with items valued over $400. Customers will receive one free raffle ticket for every $10 spent on the day of the Antique Show. Customers may purchase extra tickets for a dollar each and receive three free ticket if they purchase ten tickets. At the end of the show, a winning ticket will be drawn and the winner will receive a phone call.
Mark your calendar for these events, you will not be disappointed and “Happy Antiquing”!
Petal, the last resident of the Burlington Center Mall, will make her final trip. In February, Petal was moved to the Laran Bronze Foundry in Chester Pa. for restoration and on September 14, 2019, (rain date September 21) Petal will travel to her final destination in Burlington City. A parade in her honor, will commence at 12 noon from City Hall, down High Street, and ending at the anchor. A coming home party will continue until 3 p.m. with live music, food trucks, activities for kids, vendors, and more! The artist of Petal, Zenos Frudakis, has established a GoFundMe page for Petal and is ecstatic his work of art will be viewed by many for years to come. The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium, so far has collected $150, towards the construction of the base for Petal.
Until the end the summer, the Emporium is having a customer appreciation night on Thursday, September 5, from 4pm to7pm with free hot dogs for all customers. In America, the year 1893 was an important date in hot dog history. At the Chicago Colombian Exposition, visitors consumed large quantities of the little sausages nestled in a little bun. Also in 1893, a German immigrant who owned the St. Louis Browns, a Major League Baseball Team at that time, introduced the little sausage to the fans, which became a standard at all ball parks.
Also the Emporium display case is fill with patriotic items, until the middle of September. In October the display case will be filled with Halloween items to the middle of November. Presently in the display case, shoppers will find political buttons, American flags, and unusual political items form the past. The Emporium is open 7 days a week from 11am to 5pm ( Thursday until 7pm), located at 424 High St. Burlington City, N.J.. For more information call 609-474-8333.
If you enjoy a good hot dog, mark your calendar September 5, and “Happy Antiquing!”
You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! These words are echoed through out the summer by children and adults, trying to cool off from the oppressive heat. The origins of ice cream can be traced back as far as the second century B.C., although no specific date of origin or inventor has been credited with its discovery. Alexander the Great enjoyed snow and ice flavored with honey and nectar, King Solomon was fond of iced drinks during the harvest and Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar (A.D. 54-86) often sent runners into the mountains for snow, which was flavored with fruits and juices.
The first official account of ice cream in the New World comes from a letter written in 1744 by a guest of Maryland Governor William Bladen. The first advertisement for ice cream appeared in the New York Gazette on May 12, 1777, when confectioner Phillip Lenzi announced that ice cream was available “almost every day.” Presidents Washington, Jefferson, and Madison enjoyed or created their own recipe for ice cream. Around 1800, insulated ice houses were invented, resulting in manufacturing ice cream soon became an industry in America. By 1851, Baltimore milk dealer, Jacob Fussell was manufacturing ice cream for all and not just the elite. Today the total annual production of ice cream in the United States is more than 1.6 billion gallons.
Another favorite summer treat is Italian ice or water ice. Many Italians migrated to America during the turn of the century, bringing a unique method of making money in the form Italian Water Ice. Back in the old country, they formulated a unique and delicious product that served as a substitute for air conditioning on a hot summer’s day. The Italian Water Ice would quench your thirst and coat your pallet with its sweet flavor. The main difference between ice cream and Italian ice is Italian ice does not contain any dairy products. The basic ingredients used to make Italian ice are water, pure sugar cane and the desired flavoring.
The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium display case from the middle of August to the end of September will house items relating to ice, ice cream, snow cones and water ice. Thursday, August 29, will be customer appreciation day.
All shoppers will receive a complimentary cup of water ice to enhance your shopping and keep you cool. The Emporium doors are opened seven days a week from 11am to 5pm (Thursday until 7pm) and located at 424 High St. Burlington City, N.J., 08016 or call 609-747-8333 for directions.
Please visit the Emporium on August 29 and enjoy a delicious refreshing water ice, “or two on us!”
Happy Antiquing!