Antiquing is not just a hobby; it's an adventure and becomes a passion once you get into thrifting around. The thrill of the hunt, the stories behind each find, and the joy of uncovering hidden gems make it a fun, rewarding experience.

It’s getting warmer, the season is about to change, the clocks are springing ahead. Come out and visit the Emporium! We look forward to seeing you.




      November 2024, is very special this year. Besides Thanksgiving, November is a presidential election year. All US citizens have one of our greatest freedoms, the freedom to elect a US president. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, and you don’t vote and the candidate you wanted to win doesn’t win, it is your fault and all the other citizens who didn’t exercise one of our greatest freedoms, the right to vote.

      Thanksgiving in November is for family and friends getting together for one big meal and the next day is for football, relaxation, and shopping. Traditionally the day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday, the day when small businesses make or break it for the year. 

     For the last five years on Black Friday, the Emporium has given away a poinsettia to the first 25 customers spending over $25. This will be repeated again this Black Friday. Also there is a large quantity of parking spaces around the Emporium, so you won’t have to fight for a space like you would at a mall. The Emporium dealers are always updating their merchandise with new items, so we are confident you will find many Christmas gifts at the Emporium. The Emporium Court Yard Light Show will turn on in the middle of November to get you in the holiday spirit.

      The Emporium display case will contain Halloween collectibles until the middle of November and then change over to Christmas items to enhance your tree or table.

          November 6th will be the end of all the political commercials on TV, thank GOD. Our courtyard lights will illuminate the Emporium entrance, so you can kick off your Holiday Season at the Emporium. Please visit and enjoy the holiday season at the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium and “Happy Antiquing!”



COST $15. IN PARKING LOT 10:am to 3:pm


EMPORIUM OPEN 10am to 5pm day of ANTIQUE SHOW!

Antique Evaluations by Auctioneer Chris and Elaine Doerner of 21St. Century Antiques from 12:30pm to 2:30pm ($5. Donation to a BURLINGTON CITY CHARITY for 3 items).


Memorial day is the unofficial start of the summer and Labor Day is considered the unofficial end of summer. As a teacher for 30 years, Labor Day meant back to school.

On June 28, 1894, President Glover Cleveland signed into law, making the first Monday in September of each year a national holiday, Labor Day. Today, Labor Day is celebrated by parades, parties, speeches, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families. American labor has raised the nation’s standard of living and contributed to the greatest production the world has ever known. The labor movement has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideas of economics and political democracy. It is appropriate that nation pays tribute, on Labor Day, to the creator of so much of our nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker. By the time you read this Labor Day has come and gone and your children are back in school. Hopefully, you had a fantastic summer and a wonderful Labor Day celebrating our men and women union workers who have contributed so much to the economy of America.

Recently, the Emporium courtyard has added some very unusual items. The pictures in this article will show you some of the unusual items. Shortly the fall mums will show up in our courtyard, which all are priced very reasonable. Please call the Emporium to see if the mums have arrived.

The Emporium is opened six days a week from Tuesday through Sunday, from 11am to 5pm ( Thur. and Fri. until 7pm ), and is located at 424 High St., Burlington City, N.J.. Please phone (609-747-8333) for directions and find us on Facebook.

“Hope to see you during the month and Happy Antiquing!”


So far this summer days have been in the 90s, one heat wave after another. I thought I’d never say, “I can’t wait for winter.” Even though the days are hot, the Emporium dealers continually put new merchandise in the courtyard for your garden or patio. The courtyard has many iron pieces, cement planters, bistro sets, and unusual items to create your garden around them. You never know what you’re going to find in our courtyard. Inside the Emporium, our dealer display case, by the front door, is filled with political items in honor of the upcoming presidential election. Customers can find political pins, political books, red, white, and blue items during the months of July and August. 

Open seven days a week from 11am to 5pm ( Thur. and Fri. until 7pm ) Find us on Facebook !!!

“Hope to see you during the month and Happy Antiquing!”


In June, we celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The day that started to bring the completion of World War II. Of the 4,414 Allied troops killed on D-Day, approximately 2,501 Americans lost their life on the shores of France that day. They fought to preserve our freedom and help Europe defeat the dictator, Hitler. In July, we celebrate another milestone of our country, the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain in 1776, on the 4th of July. Independence Day today is associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies. Independence Day is the National Day of the United States when we are all Americans. The United States is a melting pot of different nationalities with one common desire: freedom. This November, whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent, it is our given right to elect the next president, senator, representatives, and local officials of the United States government. It is one of our greatest freedoms as a country, the right to vote.

The Emporiums display case to honor the elections will be filled with political items and items of red, white and blue for the month of July and August. "Open seven days a week from 11am to 5pm ( Thur. and Fri. until 7pm ), the Emporium is located at 424 High St., Burlington City, N.J.. Please phone (609-747-8333) for directions and find us on Facebook.

“Hope to see you during the month and enjoy your Fourth of July !”

We are so excited to announce that Petal the Elephant and her 10-year-old companion will once again be joining us at our outdoor Antiques and Garden Show

(Click here to read more about Petal’s history)

Sunday, June 2, 2024

10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (indoor open until 5:00)

Outdoor vendors, garden items, evaluations, antiques and treasures! Many discounts to be had. Come and enjoy free refreshments and good sales. And don’t forget to visit Petal the Elephant, many of us remember her from the Burlington Center Mall - lots of fonds memories for many


April showers bring the May flowers. This past April was epic with a total eclipse crossing the United States from Texas to Maine. At the end of this month and on the first Sunday in June, the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium will hold it’s 17th Biannual Antique Show and Garden Market (Show runs from 10am to 3pm). Petal the Elephant will be on display again this year.

     During this past April, the weather was off the charts. One day it would be cold, the next day it would be 71°. The trees and the plants didn’t know what was going on, “should I bloom, or should I not bloom that is the question?” We would have rain four days in a row, then the winds would kick in and some of those winds were really, really, cold. It would be cloudy for two days and then start raining again. In the week that it rained for three days in a row, my backyard became a river and at one point I thought I saw the ark going down my street. I was getting a little worried that the sun would never return, but then it showed it’s face and all my hostas and bulbs started blooming.

      The Emporium courtyard is now open with items to enhance your gardens and patios. Starting in May, customers may purchase from the Emporium courtyard flowers, hostas, hanging plants and herbs. Also see the Emporium dealer’s showcase at the front door; it will hold items for Mother’s Day such as teacups, vases, linens, jewelry, pottery, etc., all pieces decorated with flowers. Don’t forget to mark your calendar, Sunday, June 2, for the Emporium‘s Antique show and Garden market, starting at 10 o’clock. The Emporium dealers will bring in finger foods to thank our wonderful customers we have all year round.

     See you in May or at the show in June and “Happy Antiquing”.


      It was a cold and windy Sunday in January, when Scott Garvie and his daughter decided to go antiquing. Being so cold outside, they decided to shop at the 15000 square foot Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium in Burlington City, N.J.

     While going up and down the aisles, Scott and his daughter stepped  back in time, seeing vintage items from the 50s and the 60s, taking Scott back to his childhood. They viewed  items from the early 1900s and even items from the mid-1800s in the form of furniture, other items such as crackerjack toys from the early 1930s, early cameras from the turn of the century, machines from the 1800s as well as 1900s, coins from the 1800s and 1900s, early telephones, early advertising signs, and too many other items to list were all for sale.

     Walking up and down the aisles, Scott found an old carpenter’s  tool chest which bore his father’s initials, AG and the year 1953 carved on the top. He recognized it, sent a picture to his sister and then bought the toolbox. Talking to the dealer who was selling the tool chest, it turns out he purchased it at an auction in the area a few months ago. Scott’s sister was so excited about finding the tool chest, he decided to give it to her as a present.

     His family heirloom has now been returned to the family and will remain with the family for years to come. With 60+ dealers at the Emporium, you never know what you might find!

     Come and visit the Emporium, and “Happy Antiquing”!


                             THE SPECIAL MONTH OF FEBRUARY

       February 2024 is a special month this year; every four years an extra day is added to February and called a leap year. The 366th day is added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year or seasonal year. February is the most romantic month of the year, the shortest month of the year, is American Heart month, is African American History month, Groundhog Day, Ash Wednesday, Mardi Gras, Presidents’ Day and the famous Valentine’s Day. Yes, February is a very active month. 

 Approximately 1 billion Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas. Valentine greetings can be traced back to the Middle Ages.  During the middle of the 18th century, it was common for friends and lovers to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes. By 1900, printed cards began to replace written letters, due to improvements in printing technology and the cheaper postage rates.

    In honor of Valentine's Day, the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium, for the month of February, will continue the store-wide 20% off sale, for items over $20. (20% off with cash or check, 15% off with credit card) exceptions for the sale include jewelry, coins, and items marked firm or final sale. The Emporium display case will be filled with early valentines, candy dishes, vases, (for the roses) and items related to valentines. For all you romantics, the Emporium offers many items for his man cave and a large quantity of jewelry to add to her collection. The Emporium offers complimentary snacks to enhance your shopping experience. Open 6 days a week 11-5, closed on Monday (opened Thursday and Friday until 7pm), the Emporium is located at 424 High St., Burlington City, N.J. 08016 or phone 609-747-8333 for directions.

      “Happy Antiquing and have a fantastic Valentine's Day.”







     One of your first stuffed animals you receive as a baby is the famous teddy bear. They are fuzzy, they are cuddly, they are soft, they are cute, and they are definitely huggable. Sometimes you name them, sometimes you sleep with them, sometimes you have a tea party with them and sometimes drag them all around your house. At an early age, your bear becomes your friend, sometimes  you talk to them, they just listen and don’t talk back. As you get older, you start your own collection of bears. Someone once told me, “anything more than two items in the same category is considered a collection”. Thus, if you have more than two bears, you definitely have a collection going on.

     How did Teddy Bears become so popular? It all began when President Theodore Roosevelt was on a Bear hunting trip near Onwand, Mississippi on November 14, 1902. Mississippi’s governor who  invited him, but unlike other hunters in the group, Theodore had not located a single bear. One of Roosevelt’s assistant’s cornered and tied a black bear to a willow tree. They summoned Roosevelt and suggested that he shoot the bear. Viewing this as  extremely unsportsmanlike, Roosevelt refused to shoot the bear.

      Clifford Berryman, a political cartoonist decided to lightheartedly satirize the president’s refusal to shoot the bear. On November 16, 1902, Morris Michtorm, a Brooklynn candy shop owner, saw the cartoon and had an idea. He and his wife Rose also made stuffed animals and Michtorm decided to create a stuffed toy bear and dedicate it to the president who refused to shoot a bear. He called it, ‘Teddy’s Bear’.

     Michtorm mass produced the toy bears which were so popular that he soon found the Ideal Toy Company. To this day the teddy bear has worldwide popularity and its origin can be traced back to Theodore’s faithful hunting trip in 1902. In honor of ‘Teddy’s Bears’, the Emporium display case for the month of May will house teddy bears, and toy tea sets.

     The Emporium held its 15th Bi-Annual Antique Show and Garden Market on June 4th. Thank you for making the day a success! Without our customers, we would not be here enjoying the art of being antique dealers.

    “Happy Antiquing and hope to see you during the summer months”.


           Each spring a group of Robin Red Breast fly from the south to my house. Each year the group seems to increase in size; I think they are the babies that have grown. Watching them interact with other birds, I feel they are very territorial protecting their turf. They don’t like other birds on my lawn. The other day  the Robins returned, and their leader of the flock came up and greeted me by tilting his head back and forth.  During  the summer I always give them a call when I see them in my yard. Thus, over the years they have learned to recognize me. While sitting in my kitchen the other day, the head Robin could see me  through the picture window and once again he tilted  his head back and forth to say hello. Through the years, their return has become my signal, that spring is just around the corner.

     In honor of spring, the Emporium display case for the month of April will be devoted to flowers and birds. Once again the Emporium courtyard is being filled with items to enhance your garden or patio. Presently, we have two very large bronze mermaids; one has been professionally reconstructed to be a fountain. Other objects include cement figures, a car grill, an outboard motor, a large amount of iron fencing, outdoor lanterns, a wooden ladder, original railroad items, including a refurbished, ten foot stop and go railroad signal (rewired).

     Through the spring and summer months, our dealers constantly keep placing new items in the courtyard. You never know what you will find in the Emporium courtyard. Our spring flowers will return sometime in April or May; call  609-747-8333 to see if the flowers have arrived. The Emporium spring Antique Show is in the process of being organized. Join us on June 4th for sales and fun. Call for a space, hurry - spaces are limited.

     The Emporium offers complimentary snacks to enhance your shopping experience. Open 6 days a week 11-5 , closed on Monday (open Thursday and Friday until 7pm), the Emporium is located at 424 High St., Burlington City, N.J. 08016 or phone 609-747-8333 for directions.

     “Happy Antiquing and Spring is here!”






Thanks for your business





In June 2001, the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium, in Burlington City, New Jersey, opened its doors for the first time. Scott Carlbon purchased the buildings between 418 and 426 High Street in 1998. The building which NOW houses the Antiques and Art Emporium, located at 424 High St., was constructed by Edward Super between 1915-1924 as one of the world’s first auto dealerships, according to the state's Sanborn Fire Insurance map, which is on the National Registry of Historic Buildings. In 1926, the Anderson Motors Company, a Chrysler Plymouth dealership, purchased Super's building where they sold and repaired automobiles until 1972. In 1998 many of Scott's family, friends and colleagues thought he was crazy to undertake this massive task of renovating a 15,000 sq ft condemned building with a close to 30' wooden arched truss ceiling. It took Carlbon two and half years to repair, refurbish, reinforce and replace the entire roof of this run-down, dilapidated, 14 thousand square foot arch and truss building. Years prior to his ownership, sections of the front buildings, the oldest tallest structures in the State, dating back to the late 1600s, were in dire need of extensive masonry work and new windows!

The Emporium is now home to more than 65 antiques and art dealers. With all the problems facing Carlbon, he had the foresight to see what this building and the historic City could become.

As a young boy, growing up on a farm in northern New Jersey, Scott learned to appreciate the value of recycling items; buying and selling antiques at local flea markets, while also learning about the construction and renovation of historic structures of all kinds including mills, barns and houses. Walking into 424 High Street for the first time, Scott looked up, saw a massive building reminded him of a giant old barn (or upside down ark as many visitors have described it), thinking what a beautiful space this could be to house an antique business, where small businesspeople wouldn't have to be there every day to keep their businesses afloat.

It took almost five years to completely finish the Emporium with dealers selling items from the 1700's to collectibles of today. The Emporium, an eclectic co-op, is a thriving source for movie, television, and restaurant set designers and decorators, collectors, and unique gift buyers from all over the State and country now. For the past fifteen years, the Emporium has received the distinction of being the Best Antique Shop/Art Gallery in the area by the readers of the Burlington County Times.

As years passed, the Emporium grew in size and activities offered to its customers. Approximately two years ago, Scott broke through a wall to one of the street-front buildings, adding an additional 1000 square feet to the co-op. On October 26, 2014, the Emporium ran their first bi-annual fall and spring Antique Shows. The Emporium ran its first live auction in November 2019. and then Covid19 hit.  Presently the Emporium is running an on-line only auction every other month (see Auction.Zip.Com, next auction Thursday, July 29th at 6:30pm).

In the large parking lot next to this historic structure, the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium would like to throw a great celebration in the fall with an Antique Show, music and food. Recently the New Jersey governor is slowly re-opening our state, which will decide the date of the celebration. Carlbon is glad to see Historic Burlington City thriving again, even despite the pandemic, and looking forward to seeing it become the destination place for diners and shoppers it is meant to be. If you would like future information about promotions and the future celebration, visit the Emporium or click “Join Our Mailing List” at the bottom on this page ! Be safe and Happy Antiquing!!!

Winner of Burlington's Best antique shop for 8+ years !

The Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium is south-central New Jersey's biggest and most diverse antiques shopping location. There are over 65 individual antiques dealers and collectables dealers under one roof.  You will find furniture, primitives, toys, glass, pottery, trains, books, military collectables, radios, paintings, photographs, kitchenware, depression glass, china, dolls, magazines, clocks, jewelry and much more.

Enjoy shopping in this beautifully restored 14,000 square foot building. The building is a brick and arched wooden-truss structure with a 35-foot high arched pine ceiling. The Delaware River is just 2 blocks away. You will find historic neighborhoods (click for link) to tour and dining locations to please young and old. What a fantastic setting to enjoy antiquing!

We are located just 2 miles from the Burlington-Bristol Bridge in the historic City of Burlington, New Jersey. Our doorway is under the arched sign. Look for the gold statue of Mercury across the street.   

We are just 5 miles from Exit 5 on the New Jersey Turnpike which makes the trip an easy drive from Philadelphia or New York.  If you take the Riverline train, you will find us only one block from the station.